Difference Between Incent and Non-Incent Advertisement?
What is Incent Advertisement?
An Incentive Advertisement is a type of advertising that intends to activate potential customers with putting an incentive and try to promote mobile apps with the exchange of a reward meaning that engagements may not result from an initial interest of a user.
Incent Installs cost about ~$0.1 per conversion on an average => This is 10 times cheaper than Non-Incent.
Incent campaigns run as rewarded offerwalls ads. The reward is typically;
a Virtual Currency,
or a Game Item,
an Upgrade or Discount on a product or service.
By default, we automatically generate simple / text and icon ads from your app's store listing.
The incentivized ad model rewards users in exchange for completing certain actions such as installing an app, completing a video ad view or engaging with an app (completing a tutorial, creating an account etc.)
Nevertheless, the biggest advantage of Incentive Ads is that they enable publishers to generate large quantities of installs in a short period of time. Combined with advanced targeting methods, this can be a powerful tool for marketers to address a fairly relevant user base and to drive installs for their app very quickly.
Another advantage of incentive ads is that they are extremely cost-effective, as cost-per-install (CPI) for rewarded installs is significantly lower than for non-rewarded CPIs.
What is Non-Incent Advertisement?
A Non-Incentive Advertisement is a type of advertising that intends to activate potential customers without putting an incentive and try to promote mobile apps without the exchange of a reward meaning that engagements result from an initial interest of a user.
Non-Incent Installs cost about $1+ per conversion on an average => This is 10 times costlier than Incent.
Non-Incent campaigns run as non-rewarded display ads. The display ad is typically;
a Banner ad,
or an Interstitial ad,
a Native ad.
By default, we automatically generate native/text and banner ads from your app's store listing.
Note: For custom demands such as specific banner or video ads please contact your account manager.
The non-incentivized ad model in terms of mobile advertising means that non-incentivized-ads promote an application without the exchange of a reward. However, there is no guarantee that the user will complete any further action.
In order to generate high-quality users with a serious interest in the application, companies might better use a Non-Incentive-Advertisement. The main advantage of non-incentive installs is the average user LTV (Lifetime Value). As the installs are generated by users who get no external benefit for their install, they are considered organic traffic. Accordingly, they have a genuine interest in the app and are more likely to keep and use it.
Updated on: 02/12/2024
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