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Getting Started with Offerwall

About Offerwall Monetization:

You can monetize your non-paying users with our incent offerwall.
Kindly go to to experience it live.
Once you become publisher, you can get your own unique offerwall link.
Your end users will have to complete tasks/surveys/offers in CPIDroid offerwall and you will get payouts, you can pass on a part of that to the end user as some kind of reward.
You can setup postbacks to get server to server callbacks when user complete a task, to automate rewarding your end users.

Creating Offerwall Placement:-

Getting Started with Placements :

Preparing your Offerwall URL:-

The URL template for our web offerwall looks like this:[PLACEMENT_ID]?uid=USER_IDENTIFIER&gaid={gaid}&idfa={idfa}

URL Parameters:
[PLACEMENT_ID]Replace it with the placement id, find it at
{gaid}Google Advertising ID (GAID)Resource: How to fetch GAID in Android?
{idfa}Apple Advertising ID (IDFA)Resource: How to fetch IDFA in iOS?
USER_IDENTIFIERReplace it with a unique identifier per user.

Example: Usage in Android WebView
If you're developing an app built upon native Android components, you can load the offerwall like this:-


String offerwallUrl = "[PLACEMENT_ID]?gaid="+adInfo.getId()+"&gaid_limited="+adInfo.isLimitAdTrackingEnabled()+"&uid=USER_IDENTIFIER";
// NOTE: check this for information on how to obtain the GAID ->

WebView myWebView = (WebView) findViewById(;
myWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
        if( URLUtil.isNetworkUrl(url) ) {
            return false;
        try {
            Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url));
            startActivity( intent );
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

Attention: Make sure you don't forget to enable Javascript for your WebView!

Adding your Callback URL:-

You can configure a conversion callback URL from publisher dashboard.
While editing a placement at
You should be able to see option to add a callback url.

How to Prepare your Postback URL?

Here is an example of how an ideal postbacks url should look:-{offer_id}&payout_vc={payout_vc}&uid=USER_IDENTIFIER&payout_usd={payout_usd}

A typical conversion callback sent by our server will look like this:-

Note: This assumes you set uid to username in the original Offerwall URL for that user, the currency conversion rate in your placement was 1000 per $1 and the user completed an offer with a $1.5 payout.

Important: Your server must always reply with an HTTP 200 status code to our callbacks. Otherwise we will assume something went wrong with your server and send an automated email alert to you with technical details. You can always re-send postback from your publisher dashboard.

Available Macros for Callback URLs:-

{offer_id}Offer ID
{offer_name}Offer Name
{payout_vc}Payout in equivalent Virtual Currency
{payout_usd}Payout in equivalent USD Currency
{ip}User IP
{txn_id}Unique Conversion Transaction ID

Updated on: 03/12/2024

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