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How to Become Vendor (Earn as Seller)?

In order to become vendor on ElanceMarket, you will have to first submit application for vendorship profile then once it's approved you will be able to become DIRECT vendor on select services.


Apply for Vendorship Profile:
Apply for DIRECT Vendorship:

Apply for Vendorship Profile:

Signup an user account at (or signin at
Go to and fill the Vendorship Profile form (login required)
Submit the form and wait for approval or confirmation.

Apply for DIRECT Vendorship:

Go to your vendor dashboard after your vendorship profile is approved.
Go to and search for the relevant services that you can deliver.
Choose a service and find "**Apply (DIRECT Vendor)**" button.
Click "**Apply (DIRECT Vendor)**" button and fill the DIRECT Vendorship form.
Submit the form and wait for approval or confirmation.

Updated on: 27/11/2024

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