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How to become Vendor (Sell your Backlinks)?

In order to become vendor on SEOeShop, you will have to follow these steps:-

Steps to Become Publisher:

Signup for a FREE SEOeShop user account.
Apply for vendor profile by submitting vendor profile application
Once your application is approved by the team, you can login to your vendor dashboard.
Get started by adding your content websites :

Add your Content Websites:

Add your content websites to your account.
Note: If you have a lot of domains, please add at least 10 websites (don't forget to add the best ones first).
Verify ownership of your websites at (login required)
Request support to review your websites, based on the quality of your content/website we may approve your vendor profile.

_Note: If you are a backlink broker and unable to verify websites, please inform about the same to support. We may make an exception for you depending upon the quality of your content websites.

Apply for DIRECT Vendorship:

Go to your  vendor dashboard after your vendorship profile is approved.
Go to and search for the relevant services that you can deliver.
Choose a service and find "Apply (DIRECT Vendor)" button.
Click "Apply (DIRECT Vendor)" button and fill the DIRECT Vendorship form.
Submit the form and wait for approval or confirmation.

Updated on: 04/12/2024

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