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Troubleshooting Campaign Suspension

Campaigns are generally suspended automatically when the CR is too lower than usual or if tracking integration does not work as expected. If your campaign was recently suspended, there might be one or more of the following reasons for this:-

Poor or Low Conversion Rate:
Tracking Link is Redirecting Incorrectly:
Tracking or Postback Integration Issue:
User Unable to Reach Conversion Point:
App is NOT Available in Play / App Store:
App is NOT Compatible Enough:
High Risk of Fraud Detected:

1. Poor or Low Conversion Rate:

Conversion rate is too low which indicates poorly developed app or some technical issue with tracking.

Possible Causes/Remedies:

Clicks / Conversions Mismatch: Please share a screenshot of clicks, conversions {installs & events} you have received at your end in your tracking provider's dashboard with support so that we can compare it with numbers at our end and make sure all clicks / conversions are correctly & exactly getting tracked at both ends.
Large App Size: Check your app size (>100 MB), large app size can be problematic, it cause difficulty for end users to download & install app successfully (it takes lot of time & data cost).
- Users mostly avoid downloading / installing an app with large size because more time is consumed (specifically when internet is slow) & data cost is high in most of the countries.
- Users usually give up mid way and this could lead to drop in CR.
Conversion Trigger Incorrectly: Make sure the tracking SDK is programmed to trigger conversion exactly when user install/open the app but not later.
- Check if tracking SDK is failing to initialize properly upon app open.
- Check if tracking SDK is able to track every conversion exactly when user install/open app without any delay.
- Check if tracking SDK is not conflicting with other 3rd party SDKs.
- We have notice some advertisers try to gain unfair advantage by triggering conversion later (such as signup) instead of install/open while doing CPI campaign in order to enjoy benefits like CPA campaign at the cost of CPI.
Country Targeted Incorrectly: Your might be targeting several countries or worldwide but your app is actually not available in some countries which could cause drop in CR.
iOS ATT issue: Make sure to implement ATT Prompt => Learn more at:- iOS 14 Advanced Privacy & Tracking
Delayed Conversion Postbacks: Make sure to send conversion postbacks in real-time. Delayed postbacks are not recommended and could be problematic.
Content Age Limitations: If your app has restricted content and it's available for certain age groups only (such as 18+) then it could cause drop in CR.
Device Hardware Limitations: If your app is compatible with limited set of devices due to specific device or hardware requirements then it could result in poor CR.
CPA : If you are targeting competitive countries like US or UK, make sure your bid is competitive enough otherwise conversion rate might be low.
CPA : If you are having difficult actions in the event description, make sure CPA bid is sufficiently high.
CPI - Search : If you have targeted invalid country-keyword combinations where users are actually not able to find your app for some or all combinations, in such cases your Keyword Search campaign may get suspended automatically.
- Check all the country-keyword combinations and remove the invalid once, you may check your app's keyword ranking at our dedicated ASO platform -

Tracking link is not taking user to the play store or app store.

Possible Remedies:

Avoid affiliate links or dynamic links having too many redirections or scheduled capping or varying landing pages or anything which could prevent user to reach the play or app store.

3. Tracking or Postback Integration Issue:

We are sending traffic but NOT getting any conversion Postback from your external / 3rd party tracking.

Possible Remedies:

Custom S2S : Make sure your have correctly configured your tracking system to send Postbacks to our callback URL. Keep in mind we have separate callback URL for Install and Event.
3rd Party Tracking : Troubleshooting Tracking Integration Issues

To get your campaign released from suspension? Kindly refer this guide : How to SpeedUp Campaign Approval?

4. User Unable to Reach Conversion Point:

Users are not able to complete the steps or actions required to trigger a conversion.

Possible Remedies:

CPI : Make sure your app is coded well and users are able to run/open/use the app properly on their devices after installing.
CPA : Make sure event description is precise and complete. It should be easy to understand and should include all the steps required to reach the conversion point otherwise user will find it difficult to perform the actions, resulting in low conversion.

5. App is NOT Available in Play / App Store:

Your app is unavailable or NOT listed in google play / app store any more.

Possible Remedies:

Make sure your app is published and live in the play store or app store.

6. App is NOT Compatible Enough:

Your app is compatible with limited devices and hence significant no. of users are NOT able to install it.

Possible Remedies:

Try to make your app compatible with larger set of devices, otherwise most of the users just won't be able to install/open/use of your app.

7. High Risk of Fraud Detected:

Our anti-fraud systems may have detected some pattern triggering High risk of fraud.

Still Need Help? Kindly reach out to support with your explanations regarding campaign suspension.

Updated on: 02/12/2024

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