Troubleshooting Issues in Backlinks Report
Some Links in the Report are Dead or Removed?
Kindly note that some backlinks may die or be removed by website owner which is quite not in our control that's why we generally over-deliver orders and you should have received backlinks more that the no. of backlinks purchased in the campaign.
Please make sure to compare the no. of backlinks you have purchased and no. of backlinks you have received in the reports, the later should be greater thus some of backlinks died or were removed should not be a problem.
However, if you have received backlinks (live) less than the no. of backlinks purchased, you may report the issue to support.
While reporting issues to support please make sure to mention following information:-
- Campaign ID :
- Quantity of backlinks purchased :
- No. of backlinks received :
- No. of backlinks invalid :
- List of invalid backlinks (with reason) :
Kindly find our most recommended SEO services below:-
Managed HQ Backlinks :
Keyword Research :
SEO Booster :
Press Release :
Real Human Traffic :
Updated on: 04/12/2024
Thank you!