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Troubleshooting Payment Transaction Issues


Payment Deducted but NOT Credited Issue:-
Common Reasons for Fiat Payment Failure:-
Common Reasons for Crypto Payment Delay:-
Common Reasons for Crypto Payment Failure:-

1. Payment Deducted but NOT Credited Issue:-

This happens very rarely, usually when we don't get server postbacks from our payment gateway partner or underpayment issues or some other reasons.

Kindly reach out to support with following information and finance department should do the needful:-
- Invoice ID :* 
- Invoice Amount : 
- Invoice Payment Gateway :*
Please note that Invoice ID/Payment Gateway is important for us in order to be able to track the payment.

You may find Invoice ID on your dashboard (e.g.: /dashboard.php) or add funds page (e.g.: /bank.php). Learn more at

2. Common Reasons for Fiat Payment Failure:-

If you tried to deposit funds in your USD balance but it was failed/canceled by the payment processor, it might be due to one or more of the following reasons:-

Payment Processor does not support your country or is not available in your country.
Payment Processor does not support your debit card or credit card.
Your debit card, credit card is not enabled for international transaction.
The debit card or credit card you have used might be expired.
Other miscellaneous reasons such as technical failure.

3. Common Reasons for Crypto Payment Delay:-

Crypto payments are usually not instant.
They require several confirmations on their respective blockchain.
Generally, 6 confirmations are required.
Once there are enough confirmations, your payment should reflect automatically.

4. Common Reasons for Crypto Payment Failure:-

If you tried to deposit funds in your USD balance but it was marked underpaid or partially paid, it might be due to one or more of the following reasons:-

You might have sent funds from your crypto wallet/exchange without considering the network fee.
Make sure to add markup for network fee if your crypto wallet/exchange does not take care of the same for you.
Please note that underpaid or partially paid invoices are very complicated and hence may not process automatically.
Please note that we can not refund underpaid or partially paid invoices because it incurs us additional fee (trxn fee + network fee) to process the refund and does not worth.

How to Resolve Under Paid or Partially Paid Invoice?

If your invoice is marked as underpaid or partially paid, then you may have to pay the difference to get it processed manually.
For example, if you underpaid $95 on a $100 crypto invoice, you will have to pay the difference ($5 in this case) via same gateway/invoice.
In case the gateway doesn't accept another payment on same invoice, you may have to raise a fresh crypto invoice (say for $10) and intentionally overpay it by the difference amount ($5 in this case) w.r.t previous invoice i.e total of $15 (= $10 + $5) in this scenario.
Make sure to reach out to support to get your underpaid or partially paid invoices processed manually.

Updated on: 30/11/2024

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