When will the Downloads be Visible in the Play Store?
How to Check Stats in Google Play?
Where to Check Stats in Google Play?
How to Check Stats in Play Store?
Kindly note that It can take up to 48 hours (or sometimes even more) to reflect the stats at Google Play Dev Console and make sure you are selecting proper date ranges (it's good to add 1 day extra before/after the start/end dates to avoid lags due to the difference in reporting time zones) according to the campaign run time.
Important: Do NOT forget to configure your google play dev console Statistics for Installs Metrics as "Installs By Device"

Where to Check Stats in Play Store?
Make sure you check your Google Play Dev Console (NOT Play Store listing) for stats. Google Play listing is a bit different thing. Numbers shown at Google play listings is dynamic and depends upon Google's algorithm which can change with time though. You may NOT see any increase there if you run small campaign because Google shows no. of downloads in ranges or thresholds at Google Play listing page.
How Downloads are shown at Play Store listing page:
Please note that Google does NOT count all the installs while reflecting the same at Google Play listing because it depends on many random factors and dynamic algorithms which is mostly kept secret by Google. Please find some clues below which may help you understand the situation:-
Play store stats are usually behind by 2-5 days, sometimes even more.
Google counts unique user installs towards Play store listing page [we provide unique device installs].
Google counts active user installs towards Play store listing page i.e Google do NOT count those installs in which user NOT spending much time on app or uninstall it after short period of time and hence you should buy High Retention campaigns.
Google is giving more priority to Engagements and hence we believe that Play store listing reflects those users who actually engage with your app and hence you should buy CPA or CPE campaigns in Incent and CPI or CPA campaigns in Non-Incent.
Different reporting systems differ, Google Play reporting is quite restrictive, it might thus take a bit more than X installs with our reporting to reflect X installs on Google Play.
In case you have used other providers as well without Appsflyer, there might have been quite some double attributions (app was installed via us on device and again installed on the same device later) => Only the attribution provider (such as Appsflyer) would be able to NOT count the second install.
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Play store listing's downloads counts are in ranges (such as 5K - 10K) or threshold (such as 100+) which is indicative i.e NOT exact.
Recommended Blog: How Google Displays the App Installs Count on Google Play Listing?
If you want to increase your store listing counts then Standard Incent installs are NOT recommended as they are least engaging but you should buy Non-Incent installs which are most engaging and costly as well. Incent installs are cost-effective that's why most advertisers prefer it => Incent cost about ~$0.1 per conversion but Non-Incent cost like $1+ per conversion.
Note: We are unable to comment on how or when the downloads count shown at Google Play listing will update/increase/change because it depends on many random factors and dynamic algorithms which is mostly kept secret by Google.
Those days are gone when Google used to consider every install towards ranking but they are giving more priority to engagements, not just installs.
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If you are still NOT able to see stats in your play store dev console then reach out to support and give us sufficient access to your Play Store dev console and also share the campaign id you are referring to.
Updated on: 03/12/2024
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